GRIMME SE-260-UB - overview
GRIMME SE-260-UB - front
GRIMME SE-260-UB - left
GRIMME SE-260-UB - back
GRIMME SE-260-UB - right
GRIMME SE-260-UB - detail
GRIMME SE-260-UB - detail
GRIMME SE-260-UB - detail
GRIMME SE-260-UB - detail
GRIMME SE-260-UB - detail
GRIMME SE-260-UB - machinePlate


İsveç - Kunde


Seri numarası


Ürün kategorisi

Hasat teknolojisi

Üretim yılı


İşletim verileri



İkinci el

İşlenmemiş, garanti talebi olmadan


GRIMME Skandinavien A/S

İletişim bilgilerini göster

Net fiyat


İndir PDF


country of first use

SE - Sweden. With operator manual in official language

Country package

Country package already defined by country / region of first use

Machine type

SE 260

Price list

Pricelist 2019 (€)


4110-010 SE 260 UB

Tractor attachment

E.10.010 Ball bearing hitch DM 80 mm

P.t.o.-shaft (splines)

Drive shaft 1 3/8" with 6 grooves

Drive unit gearbox

Direct drive

P.t.o.-shaft speed

540 r.p.m. PTO shaft speed

Intake width

Intake width: 600 mm

Automatic self-centre steering

E.30.270 Automatic self-centre steering

Diablo rollers

Diablo roller: DM 390 mm

Through typed share


E.30.310 Additional disc coulter on the outer side


Vegetable intake


Haulm deflector skids


Centre share

E.30.110 Individual adjustable centre share in lieu of discs and centre flap

Carrot digging unit


Carrot share


Row width

Row width 85 cm

Digging depth adjustment

Manual digging depth adjustment

Windrow intake


Disc coulters

2 disc coulters

Share blade

Long 2-piece share blade

Stone protection


Depth control

E.30.250 Automatic ridge pressure relief

1st main web drive

E.40.270 Pitch independent friction drive of 1st main web with support roller

2nd main web drive

E.40.628 Pitch independent friction drive of the second main web.

1st main web connection

1st main web with joiner connection

2nd main web connection

2nd main web with joiner connection

E.40.280 Stainless steel in swing frame


1st main web speed

1st main web speed standard

Deviner web pitch

Deviner web pitch 200 mm

Agitator unit 1st main web

E.40.400 Speed adjustment of the oscillator in the 1st main web adjustable via the control terminal

Main web channel width

E.40.220 Main web channel 1700 mm wide

1st main web pitch

1st main web pitch 40 mm

2nd main web pitch

2nd main web pitch 35 mm

Additional deviner web scraper

E.40.721 2 additional scraper in deviner web

Hedgehog web of 2nd separator

2nd separator: hedgehog web with bars

Scraper 1st separator

E.50.508 1st separator with plain roller scraper

Scraper 2nd separator

2nd separator with plain roller scraper (standard)

Separator speed difference


E.50.530 Hedgehog web in 1st separator with cleaning device


E.50.721 Levelling automatic 1st and 2nd separator


Speed adjustment 1st and 2nd separator

E.50.740 Speed adjustment 1st and 2nd separator from terminal

Speed adjustment ClodSep (UB/SB separator)

E.50.650 Speed adjustment of the two brush or finger webs from terminal

1st separator scraper height adjustment

E.50.540 1st separator scraper roller height adjustment via bowden cable

Height adjustment for ClodSep (UB/SB separator)


Levelling adjustment 1st and 2nd separator

E.50.511 Levelling adjustment 1st and 2nd separator from terminal

Oil radiator


Hedgehog bar profile 1st separator

Hedgehog bar 1st separator: V-profile

Hedgehog bar profile 2nd separator

Hedgehog bar 2nd separator: V-profile

Slip control

E.50.560 Slip control 1st separator and 2nd main web

1st separator pitch

1st separator web pitch 40 mm

2nd separator pitch

2nd separator web pitch 40 mm

Trash return


Easy-pick chute

E.60.160 Easy pick chute r/h- and l/h-side fitted

Pre-grader rollers


Potato chute version

Box filling chute for 1.20 m wide boxes

Filling optimization

E.60.850 Automatic bunker filling incl. automatic for final elevator and filling optimization


6.0 t bunker

Hopper web

Bunker web with canvas

E.60.510 Trash web control, difference speed to the picking table


E.60.725 final conveyor with ultrasonic-sensor


E.60.870 Bunker head lowering


E.60.930 Hydraulic ram to raise bunker end chute


E.60.950 Big-bag device


Bunker end box filling chute

E.60.910 Box filling chute / drop brake at the moving floor bunker head

Stone box


Pre-grading buffer bunker


Grading unit


Stainless steel in bunker

E.60.780 Stainless steel in moving floor bunker -fitted-

Picking belt

E.60.270 Picking web with high flights

Picking table width

Verlesetisch breit (930 mm) Beimengenbahn (280 mm)

Rollers for pre-grading unit


Roller pre-grading



E.70.410 Wheels 710/50-30.5

Brake system

Hydraulic brake

E.70.125 Automatic axle self-centre steering and automatic levelling


Operator terminal

E.80.620 Without terminal, with joystick box (if VC 50 is available from another machine)

Canopy lights

E.80.502 Canopy lights 1 x

E.80.720 Clean-Control (central setting for all separators)


E.80.730 Speedtronic



E.80.700 ISOBUS

Camera at 1st main web

E.80.340 Camera 1st main web fitted, incl. lights

Camera bunker head


Camera from 1st to 2nd separator

E.80.360 Camera from 1st to 2nd separator incl. lights, fitted

Camera at picking table

E.80.375 Camera picking table fitted, incl. lights

Comfort operator terminal

E.80.670 multi-functional lever ilo joystick box on the right

Reverse drive camera

E.80.325 Reverse drive camera incl. lights, fitted

Video system

E.80.131 Grimme video system: 7" monitor and Multiplexer, up to 8 cameras possible

Visual Protect system

E.80.410 Visual Protect: CAN-Bus controlled monitoring system


E.80.501 Canopy with side parts

Extra label set

Standard machine label and sticker

Drive medium

Mineral oil

Operator's manual

Operators manual defined by the country/region of first use

Operator manual for operator terminal

defined by the country/region of first use

Spare parts list

Spare parts book in English


Load-sensing kit with control line to the tractor

Shipping aid


Ayrıntılı bilgiler

Kuglekobling, 540 o/min, 2-delt skær, Midterskær, Mekanisk dybdeindstilling, Automatisk kamtrykaflastning, Automatisk kammidterfinding, Ekstra tallerkenskær, V2A skærme, Hydraulisk vipperyster, 2 ekstra afstrygere topkæde, Hydraulisk hældningsregulering af 1.& 2. pigbånd, Hydraulisk højdeindstilling af valser, Renseindretning i 1. renseaggregat, Slipovervågning på 1.pigbånd & 2. jordkæde, Trinløs hastighedsindstilling til UB, Trinløs hastighedsindstilling 1. og 2.renseaggregat, Stenslidsker, Sorterbord 930mm, Stenkæde 280mm, Sorterbordskæde med medbringere, Tankkæde med Ultrasonicsensor, V2A skærme i rulletank, Fyldoptimering, Faldtragt, Trafiklys, Hydrauliske bremser, Automatisk hjulmidterfinding & Automatisk hældningsregulering, Grimme monitorsystem med 4 kameraer, Visual Protect PRO, Overbygning, Uden betjeningsterminal, Kørehåndtag, ISOBUS, Sælges som beset, Lokation: Kunde, Sverige 230914 (Kan først leveres efter sæson 2023) - Kontakt en af vore sælgere nedenfor for yderligere op